How to Work at Home with Kids!

Valentin Oojeda Avila
2 min readMay 20, 2021

Working from home with kids is not an ideal workplace, but it is possible to make it work. Managing your kids while getting your job done efficiently is not the easiest thing to do. However, with these tips, we assure you that you will be able to find a happy medium.

Now that we are nearly over a year into the pandemic, managing family-related matters and work-related manners might feel like a breeze. However, we are all still struggling to find a happy balance between work and home life in some way.

Stick to a Schedule or Routine

Sticking to a schedule or routine is one of the most successful ways to work from home with kids. Things often happen that are out of your control, but working to balance your schedule daily will ensure that things run smoothly.

Manage Screen Time

While working from home, it can be challenging to entertain your child at all hours of the day. It may seem like the easiest solution to pop your child in front of the TV or in front of the iPad and let them run free. However, if your child has become codependent on-screen time, it can be challenging to break them of this habit.

Dedicate Your Own Workspace

Dedicating a room or office in your house is possible is key to working at home with kids. You may even want to set certain boundaries in this room for your children. Having a space that you can unwind and focus is essential to having a productive workday with children in the home.

Accept Help From Others

Entertaining your kids and working from home is not easy. Accepting help from others, such as hiring a babysitter, looking to your family and friends, and your partner is expected and crucial. You may find yourself overwhelmed at many points throughout the day. It is entirely normal to feel overwhelmed and drained physically and emotionally. This is where seeking assistance is beneficial.



Valentin Oojeda Avila

Valentino Ojeda Avila is a Mechanical Engineer working at in Mission G, Hickory Hills, Illinois, USA.